Norwegian Air Flights to Europe from $89 1-Way

on 9/7/2017
Ending today, Norwegian Airlines via ShermansTravel offers Norwegian Airlines Roundtrip Flights to Europe from select cities in the U.S. for as low as $89. (On the ShermansTravel landing page, click on "" in the main paragraph to see this offer.) That's the lowest price we've seen for flights to Europe on Norwegian Airlines. (It's the lowest price we could find for select routes by at least $67.) This price is based on departure on September 27 from New York (Newburgh), NY, (SWF) with arrival in Belfast, Ireland. Note that this airline is a "non-bundle" airline, so seat reservation and luggage costs are additional. Book this travel deal by September 30.

All prices, dates, and booking details were valid at the time of publication.
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